Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sorry.... It's been a while....

I am so sorry I haven't posted in a while.  It has been kind of crazy adjusting to having a baby as you all probably know. :)  So I will update you all on what has been going on in class.

First, we had two great parties in December.  We had a Polar Express day where the kids came in pajamas, we read The Polar Express book, drank some chocolate milk, and each student got their own bell necklace.  Then we had a party right before Christmas break that our wonderful room mother planned with the help of two other volunteers.  The kids played a Rudolf relay game, they got to make their own Christmas tree, and made their own snowflake out of gumdrops and toothpicks.  It was a fun December month! :)

I have started the class dojo back up.  Please remember to check it everyday. :)  I am going to be doing the dojo mostly for you as the parents, and I will not be showing it to the class.  Instead, for the class we will be having two mystery students everyday, one boy and one girl.  I am going to be using a Monster Manners chart that has three sections: above the line, below the line, and bottom line.  Each student will have a picture of them on the chart.  I will be moving them around depending on their behavior.  If they are at the above the line section that means they are doing everything they should.  They are following directions and being kind to everyone.  If they are at the below the line section that means they are not following the classroom rules, but not hurting anyone.  If they are at the bottom line section, they are hurting others.  The class won't know who the mystery students are.  If at the end of the day the mystery student is at the above the line section, they will receive a big prize.  If the mystery student is at the below the line section, they will not receive a prize.  So please help me so that everyone can be eligible to receive a prize!

One more thing, I have sent home ABC charts to some students, blending charts others, and books to the rest.  PLEASE work with your child on these things and remember to send them back when they are completed.  If you don't have one of these things, let me know and I will send it home with your child asap. :)  Thanks!