Monday, September 10, 2012

Homework Activities #1

I sent home a homework bag with your child with number flashcards, alphabet flashcards, number tracings, and an IPAD.  Please use these things to do the following activities with your child:

1.  Math:  Pointing Game - Lay your number flashcards 0-10 out on the floor.  Have a family member name a number and the student point to the number.  Extension:  do this with flashcards 11-20.
2.  Language Arts:  What Comes Next - Have mom or dad say the alphabet and stop at different spots.  The student will tell what letter comes next.  Extension - instead of telling mom or dad what letter comes next, the student will write the letter on paper.
3.  High Frequency Words:  IPAD - We learned about the words "I" and "am" today.  Write the words on the IPAD using a dry erase marker and have your child practice spelling them on the keyboard.
4.  Other Language Arts Activities: Following Directions - Can you follow a two-step direction?  Example: go to your room, then bring me your shoes.  (If your child has trouble following directions, try having your child repeat them to you.)  Extension - Try a three step direction.
5.  Social Studies:  Phone Number - Practice saying your phone number.  Extension: practice a cell phone number, grandma's number, etc...

1st week of School! !

Our first week of school was great! ! I have such a wonderful class this year and I am looking forward to the next coming weeks! We spent the week getting to know the rules of the class room through our "Monster Manners"and also started learning about our colors! We had a great time going on a scavenger hunt with "Pete the Cat" throughout the entire school, getting to know where the gym, library, bathroom, playground, computer lab and office were all located. We also had a fun friday activity with magic play dough! The play dough started off white and as the kids mashed it and mixed it, it became different colors! I am glad we have the first week of school done and under our belts, because now, as we move along throughout the school year, we can get in to a routine and have tons more fun! Until next time...

Mrs. Jorgensen